“For God’s ‘grand plan’ for mankind to come to pass, He relies on our fervent, unceasing prayers, asking Him to intervene in the lives of men” — Dr. Veronica Winston, World Prayer Guide – Unlocking Your Potential to Change Your World and the World Around You.
Our Prayer Call Center is dedicated to breaking the power of the enemy in the lives of God’s people. We believe that prayer not only gets God involved in your situation but it fosters a unique relationship with Him by spending time in His Word, learning what He has promised us, then declaring that promise back to Him for Him to act on your behalf.
Other reasons why we believe prayer is important:
Prayer paves the way for God to influence men towards goodness. It releases God’s power to deal directly with the spiritual forces that influence men to use their human authority for destruction.
Prayer is one of the love languages of God, and a connection bringing you into His presence.
Prayer enlists the Holy Spirit who serves as a guide to lead and direct you.
Prayer builds your own faith and changes your thinking.
Prayer cleanses the heart and renews the soul.
Prayer is where you take ground and advance into position.
Prayer is the beginning of breakthrough.
Prayer should be your first option, not a last resort when all has failed.
Prayer is the expression of resting in God.
Prayer moves you into study and meditation of the Word which forms a true relationship with God through Christ Jesus; as a result, God’s Word enlarges your vision to reveal what it possible.
If you would like to send in your Prayer Request instead of calling our Prayer Ministers, please click the button below. We will pray over your request, and contact you if you prefer.